What is the best flooring option for a rental house?

If you are searching for the best flooring option for a rental house, the first thing to consider is who are you going to rent to. The next would be to know how much money you have to spend on this project. After working in property management in an apartment complex, you get to see a lot of things. How much money a renter spends on a home sometimes determines how they will care for it. Other things may be where the house is located and what the climate is like.

Some homeowners may have more than one home, and like to rent their time away from work home. If it is a more personal house that you spend time in yourself, pick a product that you enjoy. The house is for you first, and then for the renters. Have the renters put a deposit down for any damage they may cause and put the rent at a price where not just anyone can come into your home. If they pay a reasonable price that isn't too expensive, you will usually get people who will take care of your home while they are there. Make sure you set guidelines for pets if you allow them or not. Depending on what flooring product you have, pets may not be an option to allow.

If you are flipping a home to rent, a more durable flooring product may be your best option. Luxury vinyl and laminate flooring have always been a great flooring product for rentals. They look like wood and are much more durable. The price range for the two products will vary on quality, durability, and how they look. You will find hundreds of vinyl plank options and some vinyl tile options at https://www.bpssoutheast.com/p/luxury-vinyl. Because vinyl is 100% waterproof, there are more options in colors, size, and quality. There are laminate options as well at https://www.bpssoutheast.com/p/laminate.

Laminate has greatly improved over the years and can compete in quality and performance to vinyl. The looks of laminate to wood flooring has gotten so much better, that some can't tell the difference from just a quick look at the floor. There are a more diverse collection of prints per box with laminate compared to vinyl so that the floor has a more realistic look at times as well. The cost of laminate is usually better than the cost of vinyl as well. Floating vinyl floors tend to have a larger range of pricing.

If you are looking for the lowest priced option for a rental, carpet is still the lowest priced option. There are numerous products made specifically for rental homes and multi-family projects. They are designed to pass the bare minimum requirements for HUD housing. There are products that will perform better than others. Carpet has become used less and less over time though. It is more common to find a hard surface in the heavily trafficked areas and carpet in a bedroom.

Tile is a better option if you live near areas that may tend to get severe weather or water intrusion on occasion. If your budget allows it, tile will always be the most durable product for flooring. You can select wood tile planks now that you can use throughout a home to give it a clean, durable, and classic look. There are a number of tile options at https://www.bpssoutheast.com/p/tile as well as in the showroom. If your home is split with a rental area in the basement, tile may be a good option for long term renting or just making sure that you will never have to replace the flooring in case of a plumbing issue. Water will always go to the basement and collect when there is a major plumbing issue, so tile is a great option if you never want to have to remove flooring for water damage. Tile will not be damaged by spills, pets, scratches, and plumbing issues. Any time where water can be a factor to damage the flooring, tile will always be a good solution.

Flooring that is not a natural product tend to be better products for rentals. Budget and performance tend to lead on what to choose most of the time. At this time, luxury vinyl has been a top choice among renters. It can be easily installed and is usually priced well for the long term investment. Take your time to look at all your options, and talk it through with your local flooring store salesman. Flooring stores usually have better performing flooring options for rentals than box stores. Don't purchase cheap flooring and expect it to last if your renting.